Hey There!

I'm Kim, the owner of Bending Rivers Photo.

I'm a former Marylander who now resides in the beautiful small town of Wilmington, NC. I'm a wife, mom, doula, photographer, gardener and seeker of a quiet, calm, simple life. Through my life's experiences, I have found a deep love for documenting life as it is. Life isn't perfect and that's okay, let's remember those beautiful imperfectly perfect days and years.

I'm inspired by the women & moms in my life, and I want to document the moments that are so fleeting. Create a time capsule for you to remember the bruises on their knees, dirty feet, missing front tooth, crooked smile. But I also want you to be remembered. The parent. The keeper of all things and safe haven. While documenting your motherhood, birth, family and other special moments, I want to see you as you truly are and all of your beautiful flaws; which is why I don't use photoshop on my images. However, I do understand that not everyone is comfortable in front of the camera, so I'm always willing to work with you and that may mean that a more posed session works best for you. But do know that when you hire me, I feel that it's important to capture you and your loved ones at that very moment, messy hair and all!

When it comes to your sessions, I'd like to describe it as a great way to cozy up to your loved ones and family, chat with them, even laugh or play with them! I also want to emphasize that it's okay for the kids to run around and be themselves; no need to stress out, lets have some fun.

But please know that as you read this, if this does not reside within you or my style does not fit your aesthetic, then know that I am not the photographer for you and thats okay.  

turning tiny moments into heirlooms

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