Motherhood and Parenthood is a journey not meant to go alone and neither is birth. I’m here to walk your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey with you. After the birth of my two beautiful and very spunky kiddos, I fell in love with all things that surround motherhood and discovered the magic of a doula. So in 2016, I decided to branch out my photography business and started my formal training in becoming a doula.
As your doula, I am here to give you personalized and nonjudgmental support throughout your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum periods. It is my mission for you to feel educated, empowered, and supported both physically and emotionally so you can have a memorable and birth experience.
I have experience with hospital & home births, cesareans, VBAC, epidurals, IVF, pregnancy after loss, pregnancy after recovery.
Sharing up to date and relevant evidence-base information to assist you in making informed decisions during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Access to local provider/resource list.
Birth plan development and implementation.
Train your birth partner to be your labor coach.
Help set up your birth space when needed.
Creates and helps maintain a calm environment conductive to birth.
Ensure that you are moving and help with different laboring positions.
Apply massage and counter pressure when needed.
Guide through relaxation and coping techniques and rituals when needed.
Ensure that you eat and stay hydrated during labor.
Respect and honor your wishes and birth plan.
Help you work through your concerns, fears, and questions.
Show empathy, care, and takes take a nonjudgmental stance towards you, regardless of your decisions.
Help set you up for an empowered experience.
Will create a safe space and hold space if needed.
Continuously support you and your birth partner.
As your Birth & Labor Doula I will help you get ready for your baby’s arrival with 2 prenatal visits where we become better acquainted and more comfortable with one another, build your birth plan and familiarize you and your birth partner with comfort/relaxation methods. I also provide continuous doula support through labor and at least one postpartum follow-up meeting.
I will be on-call 24 hours a day from 37-42 weeks and guarantee a back-up doula if needed. Communication starts at the day of hire till about 6 weeks postpartum.
Also, I do limit the number of births I take on per month to ensure my availability for your estimated .
Labor Support: $1200
To book a free consultation, click here or email Kim at
Labor Support & Birth Photography: $2500
Labor Support, Birth Photography & Fresh 48: $2900
Labor Support & Golden Hour Photography: $1550
Labor Support & Fresh 48 Photography: $1500
payment plans can be set up*
Wilmington, NC Bending Rivers Photo Doula, Kim Schneider . Lifestyle Photography . Birth Photography . Doula Support